Friday, March 4, 2011

I Win!!

That's right you heard it here...I won the battle of not ever making it to the temple. First full session in a whole YEAR! But I beat the adversary and made it. And let me tell the best choice I have made in a long time. It is amazing how much I had forgotten and I almost got lost in the temple. So thankful for the ladies that guide you through the place. My goal is to make it once by myself and once with Dillon every month!
I love to see the Temple!

1 comment:

Ryan and GeAnna said...

What a wonderful goal! The temple realy is the best place on earth. It has been a very long time since I have been. I will get the privlege of going next Sat to be with Ryans sister as she goes through for the 1st time. The day she has chosesn happens to be on our 6th anniversiary. I can't think of a better way of spending my anniverstary.